Thursday, February 13, 2014

What is Enthography? Summary

Ethnography is how the meaning of the world to people comes about and what it is, and how people react to the world. People don’t always do what they say, or what they think they do and observation is the best way to see this. Such as, looking at how people problem solve. Also how people are organized or how they organize can tell a lot about a person. And ask questions about a situation such as whet sort of things are socially acceptable and how does that change their behavior? Or what things do people always carry on them. Steps that can help problem solve using ethnography are one: define the problem. Two: Rethink the problem. Three: Define the contents. Four: Define the sample. Five: Make a game plan. Six: Enter the field. Seven: analyze and interpret. Eight: Share the insights. Nine: Define opportunities. And using these steps of ethnography can help relate to different groups and types of people and lead to solutions for many different things. 

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