Thursday, November 21, 2013

What Does Language Look Like Project Description

This project is called What Language Looks Like, and the basis of this project is taking a word and describing its definition with a picture of the words in giant letters. At the beginning of this project we were given a list of words and we had to pick one, then print out sheets with the word on them. We then had to cut out the words and make 20 different ways of describing the word with just shapes that we cut out. After doing 20 of those, the class critiqued them and chose the top 5. We then had to take those 5, turn then into computer generated versions and then make 10 more version but on the computer as well. They were all critiqued again by the class, top 5 were picked, and then after those were edited again those became the finals printed on Epson and pasted on matte board. During this we were also put into groups of four, and given a word. We took letters from this word to help pick our font and style and made mini cardboard letters. After that we decided on a font style, then and to take pictures that could be an environment that our word could be used in. We then chose the best to use as our installation and photo essay.  Using two different locations to put our word that would basically describe our word. 

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