Thursday, November 21, 2013

Photography Essay

Digital cameras have changed the way photos are taken forever and also how possible it is to be creative with them. It is possible now to take a 100 continuous shots and all you have to do is delete them if they don’t live up to expectation. There are now important aspects of photography that have developed with the digital camera; symmetry, asymmetry, repetition, framing, close-ups, continuous mode, exploration, movement, serendipity. Some of these are fairly self-explanatory, and some have probably didn’t develop with digital photography, just became easier to do or can now be done differently and given a different effect. Such as symmetry/asymmetry and repetition, they are not new concepts but can be taken to new levels with the digital effects, unlike the continuous mode that is something that came with the digital camera that can be a really unique tool to use to take a great shot. Same as movement, where flash and shutter speed can be used to get different effects and photos than before. Overall more levels can be achieved with the digital photography. This was helpful toward our project because since we have to take different photos with our 3-D word, it was helpful to think of all the different affects we could use to make the photo more interesting and unique, different things we could try. They were definitely some good things to remember while taking our pictures or brainstorming ideas to have our pictures taken. 

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