Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Writer's Toolbox Summary

The Writer’s Toolbox was very helpful for brainstorming ideas, especially useful for brainstorming for our “Make It Better” project right now. The Concept Maps and Freewriting were both terms I had never heard of and I think both will be help provoke creativity. Concept Maps are similar to Mind Maps except you start with a general term and work down to more specific characteristics and ideas. Freewriting it just writing down all eh thoughts you have, even ones you don’t, just anything you can think of constantly for a certain amount of time. I have already used the Mind Maps and Word Lists, Mind Maps is just starting with an idea or concept and branching off ideas from it, then Word Lists are just making a list of random things you think of when thinking of your topic. All of these seem very helpful and will encouragement out-of-the-box thinking. 

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