Wednesday, October 2, 2013

IDEO Deep Dive Video Reflection

Seeing real people in the design world who really love their jobs and are good at their jobs is very inspiring. So before I even saw the final project of this design team, I already knew I was going to like this video.
            Watching their design process was good encouragement to me for this project. They seemed very enthusiastic throughout the whole thing, which I think showed in the end with their final object. I love how they are constantly thinking outside the box, and coming up with crazy ideas and saying them, no matter how crazy they are. Using that in our redesign process helped us come up with some good ideas I think. Group brainstorming I believe also is more accomplishing than individually and they also showed that in the video.
            The final shopping cart design was absolutely amazing. They had so many creative ideas that are much needed to make shopping carts better.  I wish more stores would have used those. Very good idea. 

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