Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Typeface Characteristics

Small Caps: Small caps are an option that most fonts have where all the letters are capital, but unless they are actually capitalized they are the same size as the lowercase, but look like capital letters. This is different than all Caps because all caps are all the same size as normal capital letters. My font, Rockwell, has small caps. 

Ligatures: Ligatures are when two characters or letters are connected by one small characteristic. Many fonts have this as to avoid the awkward space caused by letters that have tails or are much wider than normal letters. To they become connected to have a more clean look. Common letters that use ligatures are "f" and "i". or "v" and "w". Rockwell does not have ligatures, but an example is Adobe Garamond Pro. 

Foot marks and inch marks vs. Apostrophes and quote marks: Footmarks are used in measurements, such as when abbreviating for "feet". Apostrophes are just a character used for proper grammar. The same goes for quote marks and inch marks, but inch marks are used to abbreviate inches. 
Hyphen, En Dash, and Em Dash: Hyphens are used in proper grammar to either separate one word, or to combine two words.  En Dashes and Em Dashes are the same thing but just in different sizes, the En Dash is originally suppose to be the same length as the "n" in that font, and the Em Dash is suppose to be equal to the "m" length. The hyphen then being the smallest of the three. 

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